Grip : Groupe de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale chez l'enfant.
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Top 20 des publications récentes du GRIP

Classement des publications depuis 2014 à partir des études longitudinales menées par le GRIP, selon la moyenne sur 5 ans du facteur d'impact, (IF)*.
N.B. Au moins un des auteurs est actuellement un membre régulier du GRIP.

(*)Le plus récent IF disponible est l'IF des publications de 2017. Il est publié une fois l'an par Journal Citation Reports®, ici en juillet 2018.

Revues incluses au Top 20 du GRIP
Annual Review of Psychology 30.519         22.774   
JAMA Psychiatry 16.415         16.642   
Jama Pediatrics 10.896         10.769   
International Journal of Epidemiology 10.177           8.360   
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry   8.169           6.250  
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition   7.685           6.549   
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry   7.675           6.486   
British Journal of Psychiatry   7.660           6.867   
Psychological Science   7.370           6.128  

Tremblay, R. E., Vitaro, F. & Côté, S. M. (2018). Developmental origins of chronic physical aggression: A bio-psycho-social model for the next generation of preventive interventions. Annual Review of Psychology, 69, 383-407.
IF(2014-2018) : 30.519Article en format pdf 724 Ko

Orri, M., Galéra, C., Turecki, G., Forte, A., Renaud, J., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R. E., Côté, S. M. & Geoffroy, M.-C. (2018). Association of childhood irritability and depressive/anxious mood profiles with adolescent suicidal ideation and attemps. JAMA Psychiatry, 75(5), 465-473.
IF(2014-2018) : 16.415Article en format pdf 252 Ko

Rouquette, A., Pingault, J.-B., Fried, E. I., Falissard, B., Kossakowski, J. J., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E., Côté, S. M. & Borsboom, D. (2018). Emotional and Behavioral Symptom Network Structure in Elementary School Girls and Association With Anxiety Disorders and Depression in Adolescence and Early Adulthood. Jama Psychiatry, 75(11), 1173-1181.
IF(2014-2018) : 16.415Article en format pdf 493 Ko

Vergunst, F., Tremblay, R. E., Nagin, D. S., Algan, Y., Beasley, E., Park, J., Galéra, C., Vitaro, F. & Côté, S. M. (2019). Association of Behavior in Boys From Low Socioeconomic Neighborhoods With Employment Earnings in Adulthood. JAMA Pediatrics, 173(4), 334-341
IF(2014-2018) : 10.896Article en format pdf 211 Ko

Petit, D., Pennestri, M.-H., Paquet, J., Desautels, A., Zadra, A., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E., Boivin, M., & Montplaisir, J. (2015) Childhood sleepwalking and sleep terrors: A longitudinal study of prevalence and familial aggregation. JAMA Pediatrics, 169(7), 653-658.
IF (2014-2018) : 10.89 Article en format pdf 201 Ko

Rouquette, A., Côté, S. M., Pryor, L. E., Carbonneau, R., Vitaro, F. & Tremblay, R. E. (2014). Cohort Profile: The Quebec Longitudinal Study of Kindergarten Children (QLSKC). International Journal of Epidemiology, 43(1), 23-33.
IF (2014-2018) : 10.17 Article en format pdf 515 Ko

Orri, M., Galéra, C., Turecki, G., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R. E., Geoffroy, M.-C. & Côté, S. M. (2019). Pathways of Association Between Childhood Irritability and Adolescent Suicidality. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 58(1), 99-107.
IF (2014-2018) : 8.169 Article en format pdf 137 Ko

Côté, S. M., Ahun, M., Herba, C., Brendgen, M., Geoffroy, M.-C., Orri, M., Liu, X., Vitaro, F., Melchior, M., Boivin, M. & Tremblay, R. E. (2018). Why is Maternal Depression Related to Adolescent Internalizing Problems? A 15-Year Population-Based Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 57(12), 916-924
IF (2014-2018) : 8.169 Article en format pdf 278 Ko

Geoffroy, M.-C., Boivin, M., Arseneault, L., Turecki, G., Vitaro, F., Brendgen, M., Renaud, J., Séguin, J. R., Tremblay, R. E., Côté, S. M. (2016) Associations between peer victimization and suicidal ideation and suicide attempt during adolescence: Results from a prospective population-based birth cohort. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(2), 99-116.
IF (2014-2018) : 8.169 Article en format pdf 274 Ko

Silventoinen, K., ..., Boivin, M., Brendgen, M., Dionne, G., Vitaro, F., ... & Kaprio, J. (2016). Genetic and environmental effects on body mass index from infancy to the onset of adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts participating in the COllaborative project of Development of Anthropometrical measures in Twins (CODATwins) study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 104(2), 371-379.
IF (2014-2018) : 7.685 Article en format pdf 851 Ko

Orri, M., Tremblay, R. E., Japel, C., Boivin, M., Vitaro, F., Losier, T., Brendgen, M., Falissard, B., Melchior, M. & Côté, S. M. (2019). Early childhood child care and disruptive behavior problems during adolescence: a 17-year population-based propensity score study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
IF(2014-2018) : 7.675 Article en format pdf 134 Ko

Henry, J., Dionne, G., Viding, E., Vitaro, F., Brendgen, M., Tremblay, R. E. & Boivin, M. (2018). Early warm-rewarding parenting moderates the genetic contributions to callous-unemotional traits in childhood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 59(12), 1282-1288
IF(2014-2018) : 7.675 Article en format pdf 134 Ko

Battaglia, M., Touchette, É., Garron-Carrier, G., Dionne, G., Côté, S. M., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E, & Boivin, M. (2016) Distinct trajectories of separation anxiety in the preschool years: Persistence at school entry and early-life associated factors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57(1), 39-46.
IF(2014-2018) : 7.675 Article en format pdf 350 Ko

Plourde, V., Boivin, M., Forget-Dubois, N. Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Marino, C. Tremblay, R. E, & Dionne G. (2015) Phenotypic and genetic associations between reading comprehension, decoding skills, and ADHD dimensions: Evidence from two population-based studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56(10), 1074-1082.
IF(2014-2018) : 7.675 Article en format pdf 232 Ko

Nantel-Vivier, A., Pihl, R. O., Côté, S., & Tremblay, R. E.(2014) Developmental association of prosocial behaviour with aggression, anxiety and depression from infancy to preadolescence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 55(10), 1135-1144.
IF(2014-2018) : 7.675 Article en format pdf 104 Ko

Langevin, S., Mascheretti, S., Côté, S. M., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Turecki, G., Tremblay, R. E. & Ouellet-Morin, I. (2019). Cumulative risk and protection effect of serotonergic genes on male antisocial behaviour: results from a prospective cohort assessed in adolescence and early adulthood. British Journal of Psychiatry, 214(3), 137-145.
IF (2014-2018) : 7.66 Article en format pdf 426 Ko

Ouellet-Morin, I., Côté, S. M., Vitaro, F., Hébert, M., Carbonneau, R., Lacourse, É., Turecki, G., & Tremblay, R. E. (2016) Effects of the MAOA gene and levels of exposure to violence on antisocial outcomes. British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(1), 42-48.
IF (2014-2018) : 7.660Article en format pdf 426 Ko

Checknita, D, Maussion, G., Labonté, B., Comai, S., Tremblay, R. E., Vitaro, F., Turecki, N., Bertazzo, A., Gobbi, G., Côté, G. & Turecki, G. (2015) Monoamine oxidase A gene promoter methylation and transcriptional downregulation in an offender population with antisocial personality disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, 206(3), 216-222.
IF (2014-2018) : 7.66 Article en format pdf 137 Ko

Galéra, C, Pingault, J.-B., Michel, G., Bouvard, M.-P., Melchior, M., Falissard, B., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R. E., & Côté, S. M. (2014) Clinical and social factors associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder medication use: Population-based longitudinal study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 205(4), 291-297.
IF (2014-2018) : 7.66 Article en format pdf 352 Ko

Garon-Carrier, G., Boivin, M., Kovas, Y., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Séguin, J. R., Tremblay, R. E. & Dionne, G. (2017). Persistent genetic and family-wide environmental contributions to early number knowledge and later achievement in mathematics. Psychological Science, 28(12), 1707-1718.
IF(2014-2018) : 7.370Article en format pdf 289 Ko