Grip: Research unit on children's psychosocial maladjustment
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Mission and Objectives

The GRIP is a group of a multidisciplinary inter-university researchers who contribute to the understanding of the development of adjustment problems in children and youths, and to the identification of the most effective means to prevent these problems. The GRIP is financed by the Université de Montréal, Laval University, McGill University, and by FQRSC funds.

Although quality of life improved significantly for citizens industrialized countries during the 20th century, the social adjustment problems of youths remain one of the main concerns among families, communities, and governments. Media relentlessly describe problems of conflict, violence, school dropout, vandalism, gambling, unemployment, and suicide among youths. It is often difficult to know if those problems are proportionally more frequent today than in the past. But it is clear that the majority of citizens and governments are searching for ways to reduce the extent of these problems.

The GRIP research program is positioned within the overall body of research on human development conducted by researchers from disciplines as varied as anthropology, biology, criminology, demography, education, genetics, neurosciences, nutrition, pediatrics, psychiatry, psychology, and sociology. A conceptual model using longitudinal-experimental studies as collaboration vectors integrates these different interdisciplinary perspectives.

Since the very first longitudinal and experimental studies, GRIP researchers have worked closely with families, school personnel and school boards. The GRIP has also established partnerships with several provincial and federal departments, with paragovernmental organizations, as well as with private foundations, in order to conduct new generations of longitudinal and preventive studies and transfer new knowledge to policy makers, to those responsible for services, and to the general public.